Useful Sites

Rights of Women – helping women through the law

Rights of Women is a charity that provides excellent free advice on all aspects of Family and Criminal law that may affect women. There are pages of current advice on issues such as:

Marriage, divorce and finances 

Domestic abuse

Children and the law


Women’s Aid UK

This is a charity providing various services for domestic abuse survivors including:

Live chat

Survivor’s forum

Information on domestic abuse

Links to local Women’s Aid charities


National Domestic Abuse Helpline

24 hours helpline 0808 2000 247

Help to find a refuge

Advice and information for survivors


Citizen’s Advice Bureau

Advice and information about domestic abuse

Debt advice, benefit information and live chat

Finding Legal Options for Women Survivors (FLOWS)  

FLOWS gives legal advice to women who are affected by domestic abuse. They also give advice to front line workers.